Helping Others Out Of The 'Pit'

ORIGINALLY Published on: Apr 13, 2010

This morning I was having my usual Quiet time with the Lord and was reading my devotional The Word For Today by Bob and Debby Gass. I really liked the reading and so want to share part of it with you.Pit-in-Ground.

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The devotional talked about how Jesus desires to Empower us rather than judge us as people so often can do!

This is from TWFT devotional:

There's a story about a guy who fell into a pit and couldn't get out.

A subjective person came along and said, 'I feel for you down there.' An objective person came along and said, 'Well, it's logical somebody would fall down there.' A Pharisee said, 'Only bad people fall into pits.' A judgmental Christian said, 'You deserve your pit.'

A realist said, 'Now that's a pit.' A geologist told him to appreciate the rock strata in the pit. A tax agent asked him if he was paying taxes on the pit. A self-pitying person said, 'You haven't seen anything until you've seen my pit.' An optimist said, 'Things could be worse.' A pessimist said, 'Things will get worse.'

Jesus, seeing the guy in the pit, reached down, took him by the hand and lifted him out of the pit.

I know that my desire is to be like Jesus in this story. Sometimes I do respond like some of the other examples, but my prayer is that more and more my response will be like our Lord Jesus and that I will lift others up and Empower them to live to be all that God created them to be.

This word really spoke to my heart. What are your thoughts about this story? Leave your comment below and let us know what you think about helping others out of the 'pit' that they may find themselves in.

Until next time, Remember to Enjoy Life, Smile at a Stranger and Make a Difference in the World!

Your Friend in Life and in Blessing others,

Leanne Annett :-)

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